william j lipham

Meet Dr. William J. Lipham

Learn about Dr. William Lipham

What is Dr. William Lipham most passionate about?

Cosmetic Procedures available at MN Eye


Advancements in Facial Rejuvenation

What to expect after cosmetic eye surgery

Eyelid Repair

Is blepharoplasty covered by insurance?

Ptosis Correction

Tear Drainage Surgery Options

Aesthetic Philosophy

DCR | Tear Drainage Surgery

Bart Ehrman VS David Wood

Get to Know Dr. Raymond Douglas | Beverly Hills Oculoplastic Surgeon

Lori - Tear Duct and Cornea patient

Kovanda Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Institute In Edina

Hajj is an act of paganism? Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion?

Liberal Imam EXPOSED in 4K - Daniel vs Suhaib Webb

Who is Right Catholic Orthodox or Protestant find out Now! | Christian Prince

Dr. Eric Nelson talks oculoplastic surgery, scuba diving, and underwater photography

Learn about Dr. Jill Melicher

Allah & Muhammad False prophecy about the Jews 1/4/22

Was Allah wrong? '2 Women brain = 1 Man?' Live Hot Debated